Genealogy Christ the Good Shepherd welcomes inquiries from genealogists. The Sacramental Records held at Christ the Good Shepherd include those from the former parishes of St. Joseph, St. Louis, St. Paul, St. Stephen the King and Sacred Heart (Scriba). The records begin in the mid 1800’s when the first Catholic parish, St. Paul, was formed. The oldest register books are written in Latin. Due to age, some records are difficult to read. We will do our best to thoroughly research your request in a timely manner. Depending on the time of year, delays are possible. The more information you are able to provide, the better chance we have of locating your ancestors sacramental record. There is no fee for our research, but donations are always welcome. PLEASE NOTE: Sacramental Records for St. Mary of the Assumption and St. John the Evangelist are kept at St. Mary's Personal Parish & Shrine. Contact St. Mary's at 315-343-3953. YOUR NAME MAILING ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL SEND RESEARCH FINDING VIA Mail Email ANCESTOR'S NAME(S) RECORD REQUESTING (Please check all that apply.) Baptism First Communion Confirmation Marriage Funeral PARISH WHERE SACRAMENT WAS CELEBRATED (Please check all that apply.) St. Joseph St. Louis St. Paul St. Peter St. Stephen the King Sacred Heart (Scriba) Unknown Please provide any additional information that might assist us in locating the record(s). For Example: date of birth, spouse's name, etc... Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.