FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION 2024/2025 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION 2024/2025 FAMILY LAST NAME CHURCH YOU REGULARLY ATTEND MOTHER'S NAME (including maiden) FATHER'S NAME FAMILY ADDRESS MARITAL STATUS Married Single Separated Divorced Widowed MOST REACHABLE PHONE EMAIL ALTERNATE PHONE ADDITIONAL EMAIL MOTHER'S RELIGION Catholic OtherOther FATHER'S RELIGION Catholic OtherOther WITH WHOM DOES THE CHILD / CHILDREN RESIDE Mother Father OtherOther EMERGENCY PICK UPS - Name, Phone Number & Relationship to Child 1- STUDENT'S NAME DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH SCHOOL ATTENDING GRADE IN FALL 2024 BAPTISM PLACE & DATE SACRAMENTS NEEDED SPECIAL NEEDS / ALLERGIES / MEDICATIONS / SPORTS / VISITATION 2 - STUDENT'S FULL NAME DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH SCHOOL ATTENDING GRADE IN FALL 2024 BAPTISM PLACE & DATE SACRAMENTS NEEDED SPECIAL NEEDS / ALLERGIES / MEDICATIONS / SPORTS / VISITATION 3 - STUDENT'S FULL NAME DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH SCHOOL ATTENDING GRADE IN FALL 2024 BAPTISM PLACE & DATE SACRAMENTS NEEDED SPECIAL NEEDS / ALLERGIES / MEDICATIONS / SPORTS / VISITATION Please mark the session your child/children will attend. SUNDAY: PreK - K (If 2 volunteers step forward.) 9:00 - 10:00 am Do not pay at this time for this class. SUNDAY: Grade 1, 3 & 4, 5 & 6 @ CTGS 9:00 - 10:00 am SUNDAY: Sacramental Prep (Grade 2) @ CTGS 9:00 - 10:00am SUNDAY: Grades 7-12 CTGS @ Hall Newman Center 7:30 - 8:45 pm MONDAY: Sacramental Prep (Grade 2) @ CTGS 6:00 - 7:00 pm I Will Volunteer to: Teach - Serve as a lead teacher for a class Team Teach -Share teaching duties with another teacher Substitute Teach -always needed Teacher's Aide in the classroom PARENT CONTRACT (Please read and check) I will attend Mass with my students on a regular basis. I understand that Mass is an important part of our family's faith development. I understand that there are additional sessions for Sacramental Prep., which will be communicated as they approach. I will call the Faith Formation Office if my student will be absent. I understand that there will not be class on Oswego City School snow days. I give my permission for my students to be photographed for parish purposed only including the bulletin, website and social media page. NO names are to be included. (If not permitted, we will not use.) FEES: Sacramental Students: 2nd, 9th & 10th- $40. All other grades- $25 The maximum per family is $75. NO student is ever turned away due to financial hardship. Payments may be placed in the collection basket in an envelope marked Faith Formation, mailed to Christ the Good Shepherd, 50 E. Mohawk St., Oswego, NY 13126 or paid online at: Placed in Collection Basket Mailed Online Please contact me regarding payment I'd like to know more about my faith. Yes I'd like to know more about becoming Catholic. Yes Notes for Faith Formation Directors Text Name Name First First Last Last Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.